
The Civil Grand Jury Database will serve as a stable repository of California’s 58 county civil grand jury reports, findings, recommendations, and local government responses to these findings and recommendations.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Radial cluster diagram of the Database's Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.
Radial cluster diagram of Database’s Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.

Individuals who contribute to the Database will acquire the following knowledge, skills, and abilities:

  • Knowledge gained include California civil grand jury reports, findings, and recommendations to local governments, local governments’ responses to these reports, and the data cycle: data collection, content coding, and data management.
  • Skills developed include proficiency searching public databases and websites for California civil grand jury reports, analyzing reports for information, findings, and recommendations, using a codebook to content code reports’ findings and recommendations and local government responses to reports, validating data, and managing a data input process.
  • Abilities obtained include the capacity to find and analyze complex reports, capacity to differentiate reports’ findings and recommendations based on state law and customs, and capacity to analyze local governments’ responses to reports.

Learning Objectives

After contributing to the growth of the Database, an individual will be able to:

  • Remember the structure of California civil grand jury reports and local government responses.
  • Understand the interaction between civil grand jury reports and local governments.
  • Apply the data cycle to the collection of reports and responses.
  • Analyze civil grand jury reports and local governments responses.
  • Evaluate the data cycle processes and outcomes to reduce input errors and output errors.
  • Create an original database of California civil grand jury reports and local government responses.


  • Learning Module for Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics course and/or Introduction to California Government and Politics course
  • Codebook for database.
  • Database orientation video.
  • Database training videos:
    • How to find reports on county civil grand jury websites.
    • How to read reports.
    • How to input findings from reports into the database.
    • How to input recommendations from reports into database.
    • How to input responses to findings into the database.
    • How to input responses to recommendations into the database.
  • Microsoft Excel and Stata file formats of database.