Lab Facilitation

The Civil Grand Jury Lab will serve as the facilitative entity of the Lab’s activities. The Lab facilitates activities in research, teaching and learning, and public policy.

Facilitation includes assisting the Lab Founder with fulfilling the mission and vision of the Lab by supporting Lab members in their activities, maintaining the Lab’s website, creating and disseminating Lab materials through our YouTube and Twitter accounts, and preparing the Lab’s quarterly newsletter.

Radial Venn diagram of Lab Activities: Research, Teaching and Learning, and Public Policy.
Radial Venn diagram of Lab Activities: Research, Teaching and Learning, and Public Policy.

Research Activities

Research activities are currently operationalized in two parts: database and research. Database includes data collection and data management of civil grand jury reports and local government responses. And research includes formal modeling, qualitative analysis, and quantitative analysis of civil grand juries and local governments.

Teaching and Learning Activities

Teaching and learning activities are currently operationalized as the Simulation and related assignments, discussion, and quizzes.

Public Policy Activities

Public policy activities are currently operationalized as policy blog posts analyzing how a local government has responded, or not responded, to a civil grand jury report’s findings and recommendations.


  • Strategic Plan.
  • Website.
  • Support events (i.e. orientation, training, seminars, webinars. etc.).
  • YouTube Videos.
  • Twitter Tweets.
  • Quarterly newsletter (September, December, March, and June).