Annual Census of Reports

Welcome to the Civil Grand Jury Lab’s Annual Census of Reports Data Entry Form. County civil grand juries operate from July 1st to June 30th of the follow year. This census is conducted every fall for the recently concluded civil grand jury year. The form below consists of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Input your Name, Email, and Course
  • Step 2: Claim a County
  • Step 3: Input County and Year
  • Step 4: Identify your County’s 2023-24 Civil Grand Jury Report(s)
  • Step 5: Input Report(s) Data
  • Step 6: Review your Form
  • Step 7: Submit or Save

Step 1: Input your Name, Email, and Course

Step 2: Claim a County

– To claim a county, visit the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet by clicking on the image below or here. – While at the spreadsheet, input your name under the appropriate Course column.
– If someone else’s name is on the same row, then that county has already been claimed.
– After you input your name on the spreadsheet, please return to this form. 

Step 3: Input County and Year/Term

Please select the county you claimed in the prior step.

Step 4: Identify your County's 2023-24 Civil Grand Jury Report(s)

– Visit your County’s Civil Grand Jury Website by using the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet from Step 2, or googling it.

County Civil Grand Juries convene from July 1st to June 30th of following year. That means 2023-2024 reports should begin to appear on websites starting June 30, 2024.

Consolidated Report: If your county has a consolidated report, all reports are in a single file (PDF or Word). In this single file, you will find a table of contents that includes the title of each report.

Individual Reports: If your county has individual reports, each report has its own file (PDF or Word). For each file, you will find the title of the report.

Step 5: Input Report(s) Data

Selected Value: 1

Please identify the number of reports your selected county civil grand jury published in 2023-2024.

Reminder for Counties with a Consolidated Report (i.e. a single PDF file that contains all reports): You will need to check the Table of Contents of the single PDF to count the number of reports in the PDF.

Reminder for Counties with Individual Reports (i.e. each report is its own PDF file): Be sure to count all the individual reports.


Be sure to use the “Add a Report” button.

Consolidated Report Counties will have single PDF that contains a list of reports.

For example, you may have selected a Consolidated Report county, and in that single PDF, there are 5 reports. After you input name/title, length, issue date, website, and PDF link for that 1st report. Use the “Add a Report” button below to input information for 2nd report, and so on.

Individual Reports Counties will have a PDF for each report.

For example, you may have selected an Individual Reports County. On its website, it lists 7 reports. After you input name/title, length, issue date, website, and PDF link for that 1st report. Use the “Add a Report” button below to input information for 2nd report, and so on.
How many pages is this report?
When was this report issued?
What is the website where you found this report?
What is the link to download a PDF of this report?

Step 6: Review your Form

– Please review your form for completeness.
– Make sure each required (*) field is filled in.

Step 7: Submit or Save

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